Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What a Wednesday!

Boy, I got a lot done today.  I'll admit that I've gotten really lazy since losing my job a year ago.

It might not seem like much to you, but here's what I got done today:
1)   garbage can out to the street before 7:00 am.  (Stinky refrigerator leftovers were thrown out.)
2)   vacuumed carpet all over - swept kitchen - put away clean dishes 
3)   cleaned bathroom and toilet
4)   retrieved (6) empty garbage cans from street for myself and my elderly neighbors
5)   put away clean laundry after taking a shower
6)   had nice lunch with my sister at Chik-Fil-A
7)   went to job callback and signed papers to begin working soon (30-minute drive)
8)   did drug test at NowCare place (They made me feel like I was a criminal.)
9)   dropped off application and resume across town before they closed at 6:00 pm.
10) shopped at Office Max for school supplies and resume paper and inkjet printer ink
11) shopped at Target - looked for some bargains, but only got a few necessary items
12) drove 30 minutes home - stopping at Food Lion grocery store to get dinner
13) cooked dinner (heated up a Stoffer's meal in microwave) and ate with my son
14) watched a couple of TV show reruns to relax and unwind
15) signed and filled out a pile of papers sent home from school
16) logged in and added this little entry into my Blog
17) logged out and went to bed

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