I woke up today with a headache.
Throughout the day, I still managed to have some level of headache and that is unusual for me. I even ended up at Walgreen's staring at the expansive shelf of 100's of pain medications and wondering why we have so many choices for trying to eliminate Pain. It's good to have choices, but I was really kind of overwhelmed at the task of choosing something. You know the commercial for the Dr. Scholls brand orthotics? Well, the customer steps up onto the platform and the correct fit for his particular foot problem is immediately selected for him. That was what I wanted today - for someone or something to listen to my list of complaints and then present me with the ideal pharmaceutical. I guess that's too much to ask.
On another note, I can't seem to find a shampoo right now that doesn't leave my scalp feeling itchy later on. I've tried an expensive shampoo, cheap shampoo, herbal, medicated... too many. I make sure that I thoroughly rinse with cool water, but still seem to end up scratching later. Maybe, I should have asked the pharmacist for his/her opinion.
I met one of my neighbors this afternoon. Her name is Nellie and she is about 85 y.o. I was coming home with groceries and saw her bringing out her garbage can to the curb. I saw that she walked with a cane, so I asked if I could take the garbage can from her all the way down to the street. She was very thankful and I introduced myself and we talked for a few minutes. She's been living there for 21 years she said. I've only been on this street for six months. She seemed to enjoy doling out some gossip on a few of the others on our street. She pointed with her cane and told me that the painted brick house across the street was owned by a gynecologist and he had a young girlfriend living with him. I got the distinct impression that this is a sordid affair - the girl being half his age. Then, some mention of a slumlord owning the house next to hers. Another story for another day. I suddenly realized that I had melting ice cream and perishables needing to get inside into refrigeration so I made my excuse to leave.
I do like this neighborhood. Everyone that I have met so far seems very friendly. We can hear train whistles as they come through the city and that is something new to me. There is a church close by that tolls the hours from 7:00 am until, maybe, 8:00 pm and it adds a certain charm. I look forward to the cool nights this fall when we can have some windows open and listen to the night noises.
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